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1 HARO SEO Backlinks gave free 100+ Leads - Peanut Masala

Recently, we have created 1 haro link to the simply interiors clients, where it helps them to generate 90+ leads per month since the last 3 months.

Simply interiors are into the interior industry across Bangalore, Hyderabad and Pune. They want to target the Bangalore city and generate leads from local marketing.

As per the request, we have approached many sites and sorted out a few sites along with Domain authority, Price and other extra factor.

Client budget was $1000 for 1 HARO Link.  We have brought the budget to $780.79 and along with Tax, it is $921.33.

Peanut Masala helped Simply Interiors to generate more than 100+ Leads every Month 

For this live link, we have shared content along with images, links to them.

Time period of the Link : Less than one month.

You can check out the images and as follows:


